Title Elegy for Ramno
Media Performance
Duration 45 min

Elegy for Ramno is a performance with and by Darko Aleksovski, Rebecca Chentinell, Jasna Dimitrovska and Dragana Zarevska.

Elegy for Ramno tries to reflect on the relation between horizontal organization proposed as a theoretical concept and its practical manifestations. Trough this piece is noted that this relation might be quite fictional and inapplicable, because the theory is often idealized in its form, and the factual situations are far from ideal. The discrepancy between theoretical and practical equality we decided to name “horizontal monarchy”. And while criticizing the “world” for promoting inequality, us, participants in the contemporary artistic and cultural scene are quietly living our “horizontal monarchy”, possibly even sensing that there might be something wrong with the way we practice horizontality. We are wondering if performing art these days mines its own fundament by not practicing what it preaches? Does flat really exist?

Elegy for Ramno was shown in April 2013 at Mladinski Kulturen Centar (MKC), Skopje, Macedoina.

Supported by Jardin d’Europe, The Swedish Grants Arts Committee, The Swedish Arts Council and The Culture Programme of the European Union.




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